תיקון עולם
Tikkun Olam

Literally translates to "world repair" and has come to
connote social action and the pursuit of social justice.


The Social Action Committee (SAC) creates opportunities, within our Temple community and beyond, for Temple members to contribute to the work of tikkun olam, repairing the world, through mitzvot, good deeds, tzedakah, charitable acts of justice and righteousness, g’milut chasadim, acts of loving kindness, and tzedek, working to overcome root causes of social injustice. 

We work on projects and activities that address human needs, including food, shelter and security for families and children in our local and global communities. We administer the Tzedakah box, located at the sanctuary’s entrance. Some of our actions are informed by the Religious Action Center which educates and mobilizes the Reform Jewish community on legislative and social concerns, advocating on more than 70 different issues, including economic justice, civil rights, religious liberty, Israel and more. Beth El Temple Center also is a proud member of the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO), and collaborates as well with other interfaith coalitions on specific issues. GBIO is a faith-based, community-organizing group that brings together congregations from across the Boston area to share the sacred work of pursuing justice.

We hope you will get involved in one of our many projects. New ideas are always welcome.

When We Meet and More Information

The SAC has planning meetings the first Sunday of each month from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Check the Temple Calendar for the location. Everyone is welcome.

For more information, contact the Social Action Committee chair(s) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Jonathan Jacoby Tikkun Olam Award

The Jonathan Jacoby Tikkun Olam Award is awarded annually to adult and youth members of Beth El Temple Center to recognize individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to the work of "repairing the world" by addressing critical socioeconomic issues. The award was created to honor Jonathan Jacoby, a dedicated long-time Temple Member, an incredible treasure of a human being, who quietly and humbly performed numerous acts of tikkun olam. He has inspired many of us to help create a world we want for ourselves and our children. 

Nominations for the annual award are submitted in August and September; honorees are announced in October at the Social Action Shabbat Service. Each honoree receives a certificate, and can designate a charitable organization to receive a donation in his/her/their honor.  

The 9th annual Jonathan Jacoby Tikkun Olam Awards for 2024 were presented to Miriam Weil and Dora Stodolsky at the Social Action Shabbat Service on October 25th. The Service program booklet includes brief narratives of the honorees’ activities, as well as a list of previous years' recipients. Mazel Tov to Miriam and Dora!

Support our Social Action and Social Justice Work

To make a tax-deductible gift supporting these efforts, select Social Action Programs under Campaigns. Thank you for your partnership in our sacred work of repairing the world. 

Upcoming Services

Fri, Feb 7 @ 5:30pm
1, 2 and Friends Shabbat
Fri, Feb 7 @ 7:00pm
Youth Kehillah

Upcoming Events

Sat Feb 08 @ 7:00PM
BETC Movie Night: In Search of Israeli Cuisine

Sun Feb 09 @11:30AM
Community Cooks

Sun Feb 09 @ 2:00PM
Welcome Blanket Project

Sun Feb 09 @ 2:00PM
Game Days!

Sun Feb 16 @ 2:00PM
Game Days!

rainbow hands

Contact Info

Beth El Temple Center
2 Concord Ave
Belmont, MA 02478
(617) 484-6668
[email protected]