Jewish Me
Goals – Students will:
- be introduced to and become familiar with Jewish holidays and associated symbols
- become familiar with the holiday and food brachot (blessings). They will be able to recite the motzi (blessing over bread) and the Kiddush (blessing over wine).
- begin to think about God’s role – God is everywhere: in nature, animals and people.
- begin to feel comfortable at Beth El Temple Center and with the people/places associated with the synagogue.
- discover what makes a Jewish home.
- begin to develop a connection to and appreciation for Israel.
- become familiar with the Torah stories of Creation, Adam and Eve, and Noah.
- be able to say the names and sounds of 22 letters of the Alef-Bet
- and be familiar with a basic Hebrew vocabulary of words associated with each letter.
- Shabbat and holidays
- Jewish symbols and ritual objects
- Practices in the home and the synagogue
- The synagogue as a special place to be
- God – God helps us, God is one, talking to God, thanking God, prayer
- Identity – connection to Jewish practice and actions
- Israel – connection with a special place and people
- Introduction to Alef Bet
- Introduction to basic Hebrew vocabulary
- Introduction to Bible stories.